Localzone ZRH (EU/CH/Zurich) smokeping node

2025-03-15 22:00:01 - Now

   traceroute to 2001:dc3::35 (2001:dc3::35), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets

 3 > be300.sxb1-sbg5-sbb1-8k.fr.eu                 (2001:41d0::2732) 5.847      ms                              
4 > 2001:41d0:aaaa:100::3 (2001:41d0:aaaa:100::3) 9.531 ms16.045 ms16.743 ms15.864
5 >
6 > sbg-g1-nc5.fr.eu (2001:41d0::2701) 3.218 ms
7 > be103.par-th2-sbb1-nc5.fr.eu (2001:41d0::447) 9.438 ms
8 > be311.par-th2-pb1-nc5.fr.eu (2001:41d0::25df) 9.118 ms
9 > mrootserver-th2.par.franceix.net (2001:7f8:54::1:106) 8.981 ms8.942 ms8.905 ms8.918
10 > M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET (2001:dc3::35) 8.878 ms8.932 ms8.857 ms8.846

2025-03-15 21:45:01 - 2025-03-15 22:00:01

   traceroute to 2001:dc3::35 (2001:dc3::35), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets

 3 > 2001:41d0:ab05::1:6a7e                        (2001:41d0:ab05::1:6a7e) 0.124      ms!N       0.098ms    !N0.095   

2025-03-15 21:15:01 - 2025-03-15 21:45:01

   traceroute to 2001:dc3::35 (2001:dc3::35), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets

 3 > be300.sxb1-sbg5-sbb1-8k.fr.eu                 (2001:41d0::2732) 5.229      ms5.081    ms6.031    ms6.163   
4 > 2001:41d0:aaaa:100::3 (2001:41d0:aaaa:100::3) 10.834 ms16.221 ms16.201 ms16.211
5 > 2001:41d0:aaaa:100::2 (2001:41d0:aaaa:100::2) 6.844 ms5.798 ms4.941 ms
6 > sbg-g1-nc5.fr.eu (2001:41d0::2701) 3.339 ms
7 > be103.par-th2-sbb1-nc5.fr.eu (2001:41d0::447) 9.332 ms
8 > be311.par-th2-pb1-nc5.fr.eu (2001:41d0::25df) 9.067 ms
9 > mrootserver-th2.par.franceix.net (2001:7f8:54::1:106) 9.024 ms8.960 ms8.958 ms8.934
10 > M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET (2001:dc3::35) 8.853 ms8.939 ms8.909 ms8.867

2025-03-15 21:00:02 - 2025-03-15 21:15:01

   traceroute to 2001:dc3::35 (2001:dc3::35), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets

 3 > 2001:41d0:ab05::1:6a7e                        (2001:41d0:ab05::1:6a7e) 0.128      ms!N       0.135ms    !N0.104   

2025-03-14 19:15:01 - 2025-03-15 21:00:02

   traceroute to 2001:dc3::35 (2001:dc3::35), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets

 3 > be300.sxb1-sbg5-sbb1-8k.fr.eu                 (2001:41d0::2732) 6.040      ms                              
4 > 2001:41d0:aaaa:100::3 (2001:41d0:aaaa:100::3) 21.659 ms15.063 ms17.286 ms16.156
5 >
6 > sbg-g1-nc5.fr.eu (2001:41d0::2701) 3.421 ms
7 > be103.par-th2-sbb1-nc5.fr.eu (2001:41d0::447) 9.240 ms
8 >
9 > mrootserver-th2.par.franceix.net (2001:7f8:54::1:106) 9.009 ms8.941 ms8.910 ms8.938
10 > 2001:dc3::35 (2001:dc3::35) 8.939 ms8.863 ms8.865 ms9.105

2025-03-14 19:00:01 - 2025-03-14 19:15:01

   traceroute to 2001:dc3::35 (2001:dc3::35), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets

 3 > 2001:41d0:ab05::1:6a7e                        (2001:41d0:ab05::1:6a7e) 0.109      ms!N       0.088ms    !N0.077   

2025-03-12 20:45:02 - 2025-03-14 19:00:01

   traceroute to 2001:dc3::35 (2001:dc3::35), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets

 3 > be300.sxb1-sbg5-sbb1-8k.fr.eu                 (2001:41d0::2732) 4.307      ms5.681    ms4.138    ms4.036   
4 > 2001:41d0:aaaa:100::3 (2001:41d0:aaaa:100::3) 22.159 ms16.282 ms16.461 ms16.639
5 > 2001:41d0:aaaa:100::2 (2001:41d0:aaaa:100::2) 5.625 ms5.960 ms6.073 ms6.094
6 >
7 > be103.par-th2-sbb1-nc5.fr.eu (2001:41d0::447) 9.276 ms9.345 ms
8 > be311.par-th2-pb1-nc5.fr.eu (2001:41d0::25df) 9.143 ms
9 > mrootserver-th2.par.franceix.net (2001:7f8:54::1:106) 8.961 ms8.929 ms8.926 ms8.932
10 > m.root-servers.net (2001:dc3::35) 8.850 ms8.855 ms8.891 ms8.843

2025-03-12 20:30:02 - 2025-03-12 20:45:02

   traceroute to 2001:dc3::35 (2001:dc3::35), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets

 3 > 2001:41d0:ab05::1:6a7e                        (2001:41d0:ab05::1:6a7e) 0.120      ms!N       0.102ms    !N0.089   

2025-03-12 16:45:01 - 2025-03-12 20:30:02

   traceroute to 2001:dc3::35 (2001:dc3::35), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets

 3 > be300.sxb1-sbg5-sbb1-8k.fr.eu                 (2001:41d0::2732) 5.048      ms5.476    ms6.052    ms6.083   
4 > 2001:41d0:aaaa:100::3 (2001:41d0:aaaa:100::3) 14.938 ms16.994 ms16.226 ms16.522
5 > 2001:41d0:aaaa:100::2 (2001:41d0:aaaa:100::2) 6.052 ms5.872 ms6.072 ms4.043
6 > sbg-g1-nc5.fr.eu (2001:41d0::2701) 3.337 ms
7 >
8 > be311.par-th2-pb1-nc5.fr.eu (2001:41d0::25df) 9.081 ms
9 > mrootserver-th2.par.franceix.net (2001:7f8:54::1:106) 49.452 ms8.999 ms9.000 ms8.954
10 > M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET (2001:dc3::35) 8.894 ms8.960 ms8.942 ms8.910

2025-03-12 16:30:01 - 2025-03-12 16:45:01

   traceroute to 2001:dc3::35 (2001:dc3::35), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets

 3 > 2001:41d0:ab05::1:6a7e                        (2001:41d0:ab05::1:6a7e) 0.130      ms!N       0.101ms    !N0.091   

2025-03-11 15:15:01 - 2025-03-12 16:30:01

   traceroute to 2001:dc3::35 (2001:dc3::35), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets

 3 > be300.sxb1-sbg5-sbb1-8k.fr.eu                 (2001:41d0::2732) 4.956      ms5.512    ms6.168    ms6.053   
4 > 2001:41d0:aaaa:100::3 (2001:41d0:aaaa:100::3) 12.561 ms17.433 ms16.228 ms16.184
5 > 2001:41d0:aaaa:100::2 (2001:41d0:aaaa:100::2) 4.584 ms5.896 ms4.045 ms6.090
6 >
7 > be103.par-th2-sbb1-nc5.fr.eu (2001:41d0::447) 9.413 ms
8 > be311.par-th2-pb1-nc5.fr.eu (2001:41d0::25df) 9.039 ms
9 > mrootserver-th2.par.franceix.net (2001:7f8:54::1:106) 8.911 ms8.934 ms8.915 ms8.912
10 > M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET (2001:dc3::35) 8.944 ms8.922 ms8.841 ms8.931

2025-03-11 15:00:02 - 2025-03-11 15:15:01

   traceroute to 2001:dc3::35 (2001:dc3::35), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets

 3 > 2001:41d0:ab05::1:6a7e                        (2001:41d0:ab05::1:6a7e) 0.144      ms!N       0.095ms    !N0.081   

2025-03-10 03:45:02 - 2025-03-11 15:00:02

   traceroute to 2001:dc3::35 (2001:dc3::35), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets

 3 > be300.sxb1-sbg5-sbb1-8k.fr.eu                 (2001:41d0::2732) 5.507      ms5.606    ms6.102    ms6.054   
4 > 2001:41d0:aaaa:100::3 (2001:41d0:aaaa:100::3) 11.738 ms16.054 ms16.195 ms29.950
5 > 2001:41d0:aaaa:100::2 (2001:41d0:aaaa:100::2) 7.017 ms5.917 ms6.103 ms6.068
6 > sbg-g1-nc5.fr.eu (2001:41d0::2701) 3.338 ms
7 > be103.par-th2-sbb1-nc5.fr.eu (2001:41d0::447) 9.491 ms
8 > be311.par-th2-pb1-nc5.fr.eu (2001:41d0::25df) 9.599 ms
9 > mrootserver-th2.par.franceix.net (2001:7f8:54::1:106) 8.937 ms8.936 ms8.915 ms8.929
10 > M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET (2001:dc3::35) 8.858 ms8.865 ms8.846 ms8.844

2025-03-10 03:30:02 - 2025-03-10 03:45:02

   traceroute to 2001:dc3::35 (2001:dc3::35), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets

 3 > 2001:41d0:ab05::1:6a7e                        (2001:41d0:ab05::1:6a7e) 0.111      ms!N       0.091ms    !N0.081   

2025-03-09 10:45:01 - 2025-03-10 03:30:02

   traceroute to 2001:dc3::35 (2001:dc3::35), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets

 3 > be300.sxb1-sbg5-sbb1-8k.fr.eu                 (2001:41d0::2732) 5.141      ms5.478    ms4.301    ms        
4 > 2001:41d0:aaaa:100::3 (2001:41d0:aaaa:100::3) 19.219 ms15.133 ms16.276 ms16.038
5 > 2001:41d0:aaaa:100::2 (2001:41d0:aaaa:100::2) 5.100 ms
6 >
7 >
8 > be311.par-th2-pb1-nc5.fr.eu (2001:41d0::25df) 9.102 ms
9 > mrootserver-th2.par.franceix.net (2001:7f8:54::1:106) 9.057 ms9.021 ms9.035 ms9.009
10 > M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET (2001:dc3::35) 8.933 ms8.935 ms9.012 ms8.928